in nature, either displaying no relationship or potential benefit with
greater levels in the diet. N-3 PUFA displayed greater variance with
some studies showing a beneficial role, some null, and some suggesting an increased risk. This was especially the case with marine-based
N-3 FA, but less so with nonmarine N-3 (ALA), as this plant-based FA
was either null or protective of risk, but also less studied. Findings on
the overall N-6 to N-S ratio suggested no association with risk of type 2 diabetes.
in nature, either displaying no relationship or potential benefit withgreater levels in the diet. N-3 PUFA displayed greater variance withsome studies showing a beneficial role, some null, and some suggesting an increased risk. This was especially the case with marine-basedN-3 FA, but less so with nonmarine N-3 (ALA), as this plant-based FAwas either null or protective of risk, but also less studied. Findings onthe overall N-6 to N-S ratio suggested no association with risk of type 2 diabetes.
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