III] LADTree Classifiers:
A least absolute deviation (LAD) is used to find the error
criterion to obtain regression trees. Logical analysis of data
is one other classification method proposed in optimization
literature.In LAD a classifier is build based on learning a
logical expression. LAD is binary classifier and hence can
distinguish between positive and negative samples. The
basic assumption of LAD model is that a binary point
covered by some positive patterns, but not covered by any
negative pattern is positive, and similarly, a binary point
covered by some negative patterns, but not covered by
positive pattern is negative. For a given data set LAD
model constructs large set patterns and selects subset of
them which satisfies the above assumption such that each
pattern in the model satisfies certain requirement in terms
of prevalence and homogeneity.
Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) tree is the classifier for
binary target variable based on learning a logical
expression that can distinguish between positive and
negative samples in a data set. The central concept in LAD
tree algorithm is that of classification, clustering, and other
problems. The construction of LAD model for a given data
set typically involves the generation of large set patterns
and the selection of a subset of them that satisfies the above
assumption such that each pattern in the model satisfies
certain requirements in terms of prevalence and
LADTree is a class for generating a multiclass
alternating decision tree using logistics strategy. LADTree
produces a multi- class LADTree. It has the capability to
have more than two class inputs. It performs additive
logistic regression using the Logistics Strategy. [8] [11]
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