AOAC (2004): Official Methods of Analysis. 18th Ed. Association
of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, USA.
Aranaz I., Mengibar M., Harris R., Panos I., Miralles B.,
Acosta N., Galed G., Heras A. (2009): Functional characterization
of chitin and chitosan. Current Opinion in
Chemical Biology, 3, 203–230.
Barton M.D. (2000): Antibiotic use in animal feed and its
impact on human health. Nutrition Research Reviews,
13, 279–299.
Boudry G., Lalles J.P., Malbert C.H., Bobillier E., Seve B.
(2002): Diet-related adaptation of the small intestine
at weaning in pigs is functional rather than structural.
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition,
34, 180–187.
Boudry G., Guerin S., Malbert C.H. (2004): Effect of an
abrupt switch from a milk-based to a fibre-based diet on
gastric emptying rates in pigs: difference between origins
of fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 92, 913–920.
Chen Y., Zhou H.Q. (2005): Effect of three kinds of polysaccharide
on protease activity, amylase activity in intestine
and hepatopancreas of allogynogenetic silver
crucian carp. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University,
14, 468–471. (in Chinese)
Chen Y.J., Kim I.H., Cho J.H., Yoo J.S., Wang Y., Huang Y.,
Kim H.J., Shin S.O. (2009): Effects of chitooligosaccharide
Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 59, 2014 (4): 156–163
supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility,
blood characteristics and immune responses after
lipopolysaccharide challenge in weanling pigs. Livestock
Science, 124, 255–260.
Chen Z.X., Yie M.M., Yie H., Lin L., Li S.G., Xu R.Q., Lin
J.F. (2001): Effect of compound chitosan on digestive
function. Strait Pharmaceutical Journal, 13, 24–25. (in
Crini G. (2005): Recent developments in polysaccharidebased
materials used as absorbents in wastewater treatment.
Progress in Polymer Science, 30, 38–70.
Deuchi K., Kanauchi O., Shizukuishi M., Kobayashi E.
(1995): Continuous and massive intake of chitosan affects
mineral and fat-soluble vitamin status in rats fed
on a high-fat diet. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry,
59, 1211–1216.
Gades M.D., Stern J.S. (2003): Chitosan supplementation
and fecal fat excretion in men. Obesity Research, 11,
Hou Q.L., Gao Q.S. (2001): Chitosan and Medicine. 1st Ed.
Shanghai Science Technology Press, Shanghai, P.R. China.
(in Chinese)
Hua X.M., Zhou H.Q., Zhang Y.F., Zhou H. (2005): Effect of
dietary supplemental chitosan and probiotics on growth
and some digestive enzyme activities in juvenile Fugu
obscurus. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 29, 299–305. (in
Khajarern J., Khajarern S. (2002a): Probiotic product lifts
performance in layers. Asian Poultry, 4, 38–39.
Khajarern J., Khajarern S. (2002b): Probiotic product lifts
performance and reduces diarrhoea. Asian Pork, 4/5,
Khambualai O., Yamauchi K., Tangtaweewipat S., Cheva-
Isarakul B. (2008): Effects of dietary chitosan diets on
growth performance in broiler chickens. The Journal of
Poultry Science, 45, 206–209.
Khambualai O., Yamauchi K., Tangtaweewipat S., Cheva-
Isarakul B. (2009): Growth performance and intestinal
histology in broiler chickens fed with dietary chitosan.
British Poultry Science, 50, 592–597.
Kobayashi S., Terashima Y., Itoh H. (2002): Effects of dietary
chitosan on fat deposition and lipase activity in digesta
in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science, 43, 270–273.
Li X.J., Piao X.S., Kim S.W., Liu P., Wang L., Shen Y.B., Jung
S.C., Lee H.S. (2007): Effects of chito-oligosaccharide
supplementation on performance, nutrient digestibility,
and serum composition in broiler chickens. Poultry Science,
86, 1107–1114.
Lim H.S., Paik I.K., Sohn T.I., Kim W.Y. (2006): Effects of
supplementary copper chelates in the form of methionine,
chitosan and yeast on the performance of broilers. Asian-
Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 19, 1322–1327.
Liu P., Piao X.S., Kim S.W., Wang L., Shen Y.B., Lee H.S., Li
S.Y. (2008): Effects of chito-oligosaccharide supplementation
on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility,
intestinal morphology, and fecal shedding of Escherichia
coli and Lactobacillus in weaning pigs. Journal of Animal
Science, 86, 2609–2618.
Liu S.H., He S.P., Chiang M.T. (2012): Effects of long-term
feeding of chitosan on postprandial lipid responses and
lipid metabolism in a high-sucrose-diet-impaired glucose-
tolerant rat model. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry, 60, 4306–4313.
Luo Y.C., Wang Q. (2013): Recent advances of chitosan
and its derivatives for novel applications in food science.
Journal of Food Processing & Beverages, 1, 13.
Madec F., Bridoux N., Bounaix S., Cariolet R., Duval-Iflah Y.,
Hampson D.J., Jestin A. (2000): Experimental models of
porcine post-weaning colibacillosis and their relationship to
post-weaning diarrhoea and digestive disorders as encountered
in the field. Veterinary Microbiology, 72, 295–310.
Moeser A.J., Ryan K.A., Nighot P.K., Blikslager A.T. (2007):
Gastrointestinal dysfunction induced by early weaning is
attenuated by delayed weaning and mast cell blockade in
pigs. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal
and Liver Physiology, 293, 413–421.
Mozeš Š., Bujňáková D., Šefčíková Z., Kmeť V. (2008): Intestinal
microflora and obesity in rats. Folia Microbiologica,
53, 225–228.
National Research Council (1998): Nutrient Requirements
of Swine. 10th Ed. National Academies Press, Washington,
Neyrinck A.M., Bindels L.B., De Backer F., Pachikian B.D.,
Cani P.D., Delzenne N.M. (2009): Dietary supplementation
with chitosan derived from mushrooms changes
adipocytokine profile in diet-induced obese mice, a phenomenon
linked to its lipid-lowering action. International
Immunopharmacology, 9, 767–773.
O’Shea C.J., Sweeney T., Lynch M.B., Callan J.J., O’Doherty
J.V. (2011): Modification of selected bacteria and markers
of protein fermentation in the distal gastrointestinal tract
of pigs upon consumption of chitosan is accompanied by
heightened manure odor emissions. Journal of Animal
Science, 89, 1366–1375.
Razdan A., Petterson D. (1994): Effect of chitin and chitosan
on nutrient digestibility and plasma lipid concentrations
in broiler chickens. British Journal of Nutrition,
72, 277–288.
Razdan A., Petterson D. (1996): Hypolipidaemic, gastrointestinal
and related responses of broiler chickens to
chitosans of different viscosity. British Journal of Nutrition,
76, 387–397.
Razdan A., Pettersson D., Pettersson J. (1997): Broiler
chicken body weights, feed intakes, plasma lipid and
Czech J. Anim. Sci., 59, 2014 (4): 156–163 Original Paper
small-intestinal bile acid concentrations in response to
feeding of chitosan and pectin. British Journal of Nutrition,
78, 283–291.
Santas J., Espadaler J., Mancebo R., Rafecas M. (2012): Selective
in vivo effect of chitosan on fatty acid, neutral
sterol and bile acid excretion: a longitudinal study. Food
Chemistry, 134, 940–947.
Shi B.L., Li D.F., Piao X.S., Yan S.M. (2005): Effects of chitosan
on growth performance and energy and protein
utilisation in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science,
46, 516–519.
Singla A.K., Chawla M. (2001): Chitosan: some pharmaceutical
and biological aspects – an update. Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 53, 1047–1067.
Smith D.L., Harris A.D., Johnson J.A., Silbergeld E.K., Morris
Jr. J.G. (2002): Animal antibiotic use has an early but
important impact on the emergence of antibiotic resistance
in human commensal bacteria. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, 99, 6434–6439.
Suk Y.O. (2004): Interaction of breed-by-chitosan supplementation
on growth and feed efficiency at different supplementing
ages in broiler chickens. Asian-Australasian
Journal of Animal Science, 17, 1705–1711.
Sumiyoshi M., Kimura Y. (2006): Low molecular weight
chitosan inhibits obesity induced by feeding a high-fat
diet long-term in mice. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology,
58, 201–207.
Tan B., Yin Y.L., Liu Z.Q., Li X.G., Xu H.J., Kong X.F., Huang
R.L., Tang W.J., Shinzato I., Smith S.B., Wu G.Y. (2009):
Dietary l-arginine supplementation increases muscle
gain and reduces body fat mass in growing finishing pigs.
Amino Acids, 37, 169–175.
Tang Z.R., Yin Y.L., Nyachoti C.M., Huang R.L., Li T.J.,
Yang C.B., Yang X.J., Gong J., Peng J., Qi D.S., Xing J.J.,
Sun Z.H., Fan M.Z. (2005): Effect of dietary supplementation
of chitosan and galacto-mannan-oligosaccharide
on serum parameters and the insulin-like growth factor-I
mRNA expression in early-weaned piglets. Domestic
Animal Endocrinology, 28, 430–441.
Unger R.H. (2003a): Minireview: Weapons of lean body
mass destruction: the role of ectopic lipids in the metabolic
syndrome. Endocrinology, 144, 5159–5165.
Unger R.H. (2003b): The physiology of cellular liporegulation.
Annual Review of Physiology, 65, 333–347.
Van Keulen J., Young B.A. (1977): Evaluation of acid-insoluble
ash as a natural marker in ruminant digestibility
studies. Journal of Animal Science, 44, 282–287.
Walsh A.M., Sweeney T., Bahar B., Flynn B., O’Doherty V.J.
(2012): The effects of supplementing varying molecular
weights of chitooligosaccharide on performance, selected
microbial populations and nutrient digestibility in the
weaned pig. Animal, 7, 571–579.
Walsh A.M., Sweeney T., Bahar B., O’Doherty V.J. (2013):
Multi-functional roles of chitosan as a potential protective
agent against obesity. PloS One, 8, 1–7.
Xia W.S., Liu P., Zhang J.L., Chen J. (2011): Biological activities
of chitosan and chitooligosaccharides. Food Hydrocolloids,
25, 170–179.
Xu Y.Q., Shi B.L., Li J.L., Li T.Y., Guo Y.W., Tian L.X., Fu
X.Z., Hong L. (2012): Effects of chitosan on gut microflora
in weaned pigs. Feed Research, 10, 54–56. (in Chinese)
Yang C.M., Ferket P.R., Hong Q.H., Zhou J., Cao G.T.,
Zhou L., Chen A.G. (2012): Effect of chito-oligosaccharide
on growth performance, intestinal barrier function,
intestinal morphology and cecal microflora in weaned
pigs. Journal of A
REFERENCESAOAC (2004): Official Methods of Analysis. 18th Ed. Associationof Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, USA.Aranaz I., Mengibar M., Harris R., Panos I., Miralles B.,Acosta N., Galed G., Heras A. (2009): Functional characterizationof chitin and chitosan. Current Opinion inChemical Biology, 3, 203–230.Barton M.D. (2000): Antibiotic use in animal feed and itsimpact on human health. Nutrition Research Reviews,13, 279–299.Boudry G., Lalles J.P., Malbert C.H., Bobillier E., Seve B.(2002): Diet-related adaptation of the small intestineat weaning in pigs is functional rather than structural.Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition,34, 180–187.Boudry G., Guerin S., Malbert C.H. (2004): Effect of anabrupt switch from a milk-based to a fibre-based diet ongastric emptying rates in pigs: difference between originsof fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 92, 913–920.Chen Y., Zhou H.Q. (2005): Effect of three kinds of polysaccharideon protease activity, amylase activity in intestineand hepatopancreas of allogynogenetic silvercrucian carp. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University,14, 468–471. (in Chinese)Chen Y.J., Kim I.H., Cho J.H., Yoo J.S., Wang Y., Huang Y.,Kim H.J., Shin S.O. (2009): Effects of chitooligosaccharide162Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 59, 2014 (4): 156–163supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility,blood characteristics and immune responses afterlipopolysaccharide challenge in weanling pigs. LivestockScience, 124, 255–260.Chen Z.X., Yie M.M., Yie H., Lin L., Li S.G., Xu R.Q., LinJ.F. (2001): Effect of compound chitosan on digestivefunction. Strait Pharmaceutical Journal, 13, 24–25. (inChinese)Crini G. (2005): Recent developments in polysaccharidebasedmaterials used as absorbents in wastewater treatment.Progress in Polymer Science, 30, 38–70.Deuchi K., Kanauchi O., Shizukuishi M., Kobayashi E.(1995): Continuous and massive intake of chitosan affectsmineral and fat-soluble vitamin status in rats fedon a high-fat diet. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry,59, 1211–1216.Gades M.D., Stern J.S. (2003): Chitosan supplementationand fecal fat excretion in men. Obesity Research, 11,683–688.Hou Q.L., Gao Q.S. (2001): Chitosan and Medicine. 1st Ed.Shanghai Science Technology Press, Shanghai, P.R. China.(in Chinese)Hua X.M., Zhou H.Q., Zhang Y.F., Zhou H. (2005): Effect ofdietary supplemental chitosan and probiotics on growthand some digestive enzyme activities in juvenile Fuguobscurus. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 29, 299–305. (inChinese)Khajarern J., Khajarern S. (2002a): Probiotic product liftsperformance in layers. Asian Poultry, 4, 38–39.Khajarern J., Khajarern S. (2002b): Probiotic product liftsperformance and reduces diarrhoea. Asian Pork, 4/5,44–45.Khambualai O., Yamauchi K., Tangtaweewipat S., Cheva-Isarakul B. (2008): Effects of dietary chitosan diets ongrowth performance in broiler chickens. The Journal ofPoultry Science, 45, 206–209.Khambualai O., Yamauchi K., Tangtaweewipat S., Cheva-Isarakul B. (2009): Growth performance and intestinalhistology in broiler chickens fed with dietary chitosan.British Poultry Science, 50, 592–597.Kobayashi S., Terashima Y., Itoh H. (2002): Effects of dietarychitosan on fat deposition and lipase activity in digestain broiler chickens. British Poultry Science, 43, 270–273.Li X.J., Piao X.S., Kim S.W., Liu P., Wang L., Shen Y.B., JungS.C., Lee H.S. (2007): Effects of chito-oligosaccharidesupplementation on performance, nutrient digestibility,and serum composition in broiler chickens. Poultry Science,86, 1107–1114.Lim H.S., Paik I.K., Sohn T.I., Kim W.Y. (2006): Effects ofsupplementary copper chelates in the form of methionine,chitosan and yeast on the performance of broilers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 19, 1322–1327.Liu P., Piao X.S., Kim S.W., Wang L., Shen Y.B., Lee H.S., LiS.Y. (2008): Effects of chito-oligosaccharide supplementationon the growth performance, nutrient digestibility,intestinal morphology, and fecal shedding of Escherichiacoli and Lactobacillus in weaning pigs. Journal of AnimalScience, 86, 2609–2618.Liu S.H., He S.P., Chiang M.T. (2012): Effects of long-termfeeding of chitosan on postprandial lipid responses andlipid metabolism in a high-sucrose-diet-impaired glucose-tolerant rat model. Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry, 60, 4306–4313.Luo Y.C., Wang Q. (2013): Recent advances of chitosanand its derivatives for novel applications in food science.Journal of Food Processing & Beverages, 1, 13.Madec F., Bridoux N., Bounaix S., Cariolet R., Duval-Iflah Y.,Hampson D.J., Jestin A. (2000): Experimental models ofporcine post-weaning colibacillosis and their relationship topost-weaning diarrhoea and digestive disorders as encounteredin the field. Veterinary Microbiology, 72, 295–310.Moeser A.J., Ryan K.A., Nighot P.K., Blikslager A.T. (2007):Gastrointestinal dysfunction induced by early weaning isattenuated by delayed weaning and mast cell blockade inpigs. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinaland Liver Physiology, 293, 413–421.Mozeš Š., Bujňáková D., Šefčíková Z., Kmeť V. (2008): Intestinalmicroflora and obesity in rats. Folia Microbiologica,53, 225–228.National Research Council (1998): Nutrient Requirementsof Swine. 10th Ed. National Academies Press, Washington,USA.Neyrinck A.M., Bindels L.B., De Backer F., Pachikian B.D.,Cani P.D., Delzenne N.M. (2009): Dietary supplementationwith chitosan derived from mushrooms changesadipocytokine profile in diet-induced obese mice, a phenomenonlinked to its lipid-lowering action. InternationalImmunopharmacology, 9, 767–773.O’Shea C.J., Sweeney T., Lynch M.B., Callan J.J., O’DohertyJ.V. (2011): Modification of selected bacteria and markersof protein fermentation in the distal gastrointestinal tractof pigs upon consumption of chitosan is accompanied byheightened manure odor emissions. Journal of AnimalScience, 89, 1366–1375.Razdan A., Petterson D. (1994): Effect of chitin and chitosanon nutrient digestibility and plasma lipid concentrationsin broiler chickens. British Journal of Nutrition,72, 277–288.Razdan A., Petterson D. (1996): Hypolipidaemic, gastrointestinaland related responses of broiler chickens tochitosans of different viscosity. British Journal of Nutrition,76, 387–397.Razdan A., Pettersson D., Pettersson J. (1997): Broilerchicken body weights, feed intakes, plasma lipid and163Czech J. Anim. Sci., 59, 2014 (4): 156–163 Original Papersmall-intestinal bile acid concentrations in response tofeeding of chitosan and pectin. British Journal of Nutrition,78, 283–291.Santas J., Espadaler J., Mancebo R., Rafecas M. (2012): Selectivein vivo effect of chitosan on fatty acid, neutralsterol and bile acid excretion: a longitudinal study. FoodChemistry, 134, 940–947.Shi B.L., Li D.F., Piao X.S., Yan S.M. (2005): Effects of chitosanon growth performance and energy and proteinutilisation in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science,46, 516–519.Singla A.K., Chawla M. (2001): Chitosan: some pharmaceuticaland biological aspects – an update. Journal ofPharmacy and Pharmacology, 53, 1047–1067.
Smith D.L., Harris A.D., Johnson J.A., Silbergeld E.K., Morris
Jr. J.G. (2002): Animal antibiotic use has an early but
important impact on the emergence of antibiotic resistance
in human commensal bacteria. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, 99, 6434–6439.
Suk Y.O. (2004): Interaction of breed-by-chitosan supplementation
on growth and feed efficiency at different supplementing
ages in broiler chickens. Asian-Australasian
Journal of Animal Science, 17, 1705–1711.
Sumiyoshi M., Kimura Y. (2006): Low molecular weight
chitosan inhibits obesity induced by feeding a high-fat
diet long-term in mice. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology,
58, 201–207.
Tan B., Yin Y.L., Liu Z.Q., Li X.G., Xu H.J., Kong X.F., Huang
R.L., Tang W.J., Shinzato I., Smith S.B., Wu G.Y. (2009):
Dietary l-arginine supplementation increases muscle
gain and reduces body fat mass in growing finishing pigs.
Amino Acids, 37, 169–175.
Tang Z.R., Yin Y.L., Nyachoti C.M., Huang R.L., Li T.J.,
Yang C.B., Yang X.J., Gong J., Peng J., Qi D.S., Xing J.J.,
Sun Z.H., Fan M.Z. (2005): Effect of dietary supplementation
of chitosan and galacto-mannan-oligosaccharide
on serum parameters and the insulin-like growth factor-I
mRNA expression in early-weaned piglets. Domestic
Animal Endocrinology, 28, 430–441.
Unger R.H. (2003a): Minireview: Weapons of lean body
mass destruction: the role of ectopic lipids in the metabolic
syndrome. Endocrinology, 144, 5159–5165.
Unger R.H. (2003b): The physiology of cellular liporegulation.
Annual Review of Physiology, 65, 333–347.
Van Keulen J., Young B.A. (1977): Evaluation of acid-insoluble
ash as a natural marker in ruminant digestibility
studies. Journal of Animal Science, 44, 282–287.
Walsh A.M., Sweeney T., Bahar B., Flynn B., O’Doherty V.J.
(2012): The effects of supplementing varying molecular
weights of chitooligosaccharide on performance, selected
microbial populations and nutrient digestibility in the
weaned pig. Animal, 7, 571–579.
Walsh A.M., Sweeney T., Bahar B., O’Doherty V.J. (2013):
Multi-functional roles of chitosan as a potential protective
agent against obesity. PloS One, 8, 1–7.
Xia W.S., Liu P., Zhang J.L., Chen J. (2011): Biological activities
of chitosan and chitooligosaccharides. Food Hydrocolloids,
25, 170–179.
Xu Y.Q., Shi B.L., Li J.L., Li T.Y., Guo Y.W., Tian L.X., Fu
X.Z., Hong L. (2012): Effects of chitosan on gut microflora
in weaned pigs. Feed Research, 10, 54–56. (in Chinese)
Yang C.M., Ferket P.R., Hong Q.H., Zhou J., Cao G.T.,
Zhou L., Chen A.G. (2012): Effect of chito-oligosaccharide
on growth performance, intestinal barrier function,
intestinal morphology and cecal microflora in weaned
pigs. Journal of A
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..