Time may bo running out for the United Wa State Amy dna trafficking cancel. as well as for its chief sponsors in the Burmcse military junta The United States has put leader Wei Hsueh-kang and his wa gang on the A-list of drug smugglers Major ramifications will occur If anything the docision to name this group as drug kingpins is overdue it is the type of pressure needed to force Wa leaders to stop peddling drugs And it adds to the formal indignation countnes must feel about the sponsorship of this group by Rangoon generals There are immediate effects to being named on this short. exclusive list For one thing. reports seeped out of northem Burma at the weekend that Rangoon has detained Wei Hsueh-kang and charged his brother Wei Hsueh-tang with actual trafficking remains to be seen if Rangoon is finally acting. or puuing up a trial balloon. In any case, the world political and economic community now knows the names of the largest and most powerful organised drug trafficking gang in the region All US businesses and banks, and all foreign firms doing business in America, must blacklist Wei Hsueh-kang and the UWSA.