Plants used were samples of young leaves palm plant consisting 60 parents (Dura) selfing and 160 half-sib progeny plants (Dura x Pisifera) owned by one of the private company. Plants observed were 9 years old. Female parents are siblings (sibs) and both crossed with the same pollen. The results of both female parents selfing are available as samples in field that located in Riau.
Total genomic DNA was obtained by grinding the sample using liquid Nitrogen, and then the samples were isolated using the Plant Genomic DNA GenElute Miniprep Kit (Sigma - Aldrich) following the manufacturer's instructions. The DNA quality is known by electrophoresis using 1 % agarose gel, and DNA quantity is estimated using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer HND - 1,000 (NanoDrop Technologies Inc.), and the final concentration of DNA was diluted to 20 ng μL-1.