honey. i have attended three meetings today. and all is going very well but i am facing a small challenge right now.
i am having a problem of US$ 400.00 to pay the lawyer that will get an affidavit for me from the high court and the lawyer will stand as a guarantor to me so that the ministry of works can give me the check of US$1.5 million.
have paid the taxes they require and right now i am exhausted. So please my love if there's anyway you can help me with the US$400.00 and i will send US$10,000.00 to your bank account as soon as i have collected and cashed the check before coming to Thailand for our marriage.
please help me honey i have no other person to talk to right now.
if i can receive the money to pay the lawyer for the affidavit, i will get the check immediately in my hands and will not delay to send US$ 10,000 to your bank account before flying to Thailand to meet you because i am missing you so much my love.
i will give you the name of the lawyer to send the money to him by western union or money gram when you have replied back to me.
i love you so dearly. honey and will like to spend the rest of my life with you.
i am very disapointed to read this massage from you. Because i asked you to assit me that is why you are telling me all this hurting massages
i am a responsible man
so please don't take me for a cheat because i asked you for assistance
i am disapopointed