Dear Mr.Manninghouse:
As the father of three daughters, I can well understand your apprehension that the accident suffered by your daughter, Melissa, might leave her with a facial disfigurement. Please rest assured that such is not the case. I have conferred with two specialists at the hospital and studied the x-rays. I am told that the healing process itself will eliminate what now looks like a nasty cut. Following that, minor plastic surgery will remove remaining scar tissue and Melissa’s skin will show no signs of the injury.
Medical miracles are many, but they cannot erase the memory of the traumatic moments your daughter experienced when her stamping machine malfunctioned or the days of pain that followed. However, you can be certain that the company will accept full responsibility for the accident and do all in its power to ameliorate the distress caused to both patient and family. Everyone here is most sympathetic, and I believe you van judge that yourself, in light of the number of visitors Melissa has and the way her fellow employees have reacted.