#Bone, by Fae Myenne Ng. New York: Hyperion, 1993 Fae Myenne Ng's masterly debut novel centers on three Chinese American sisters. ... Ng is a master storyteller. ... Fae Myenne Ng's prose is clear, clean really, making Bone a good choice for readers at pre-GED level and above. Bone provides an open door to another culture&...
439 Words 2 PagesHas Bibliography
2. Chinese-American culture in understanding Bone
Fae Ng described the difficulty very well by taking a look at her mother's job in the clothing factory and Leon's Job on the ships. ... Understanding the Cultural differences can lead one to understand Bone from a new perspective. ... Fae Mynne Ng, the Author of Bone, will try to illustrate the difficulties of the cultural barriers throug...
755 Words 3 PagesHas Bibliography
3. Quest of the Faes
Quest of the Faes Book Title: "Quest of the Faes" Book author: Catherine Geenen Number of pages: 145 Genre: Fantasy A long time ago the elves and the faeries lived together in the beautiful city of Volvey. ... Often times she would share her wisdom with the faes and elves. ... Thus a war broke out b...
2041 Words 8 Pages
4. Bone
One would say that America is the land of opportunity, in the book Bone, a Chinese-American family tries to get through with their everyday lives. ... The book, Bone was written in the current time period and address issues of today, which allows it to be under the contemporary title. Faye Myenne Ng's life was similar to the book she...