It is important that we respect the notion of discursive resistance as we move public relations online. Marginalized groups can create a discursive space online that they are denied or cannot find in the real world (Mitra, 2004). The Internet provides an opportunity for voice people can take a position and speak on an People a space where their voice can be concertized (Watts, 2001) Voice in the real world is too often dependent on possessing the traditional trappings of power such as status and money. Access to voice is itself a form of exercising power. The Internet provides a location where traditional power holds less sway and the normally powerless can create discursive space where their voices can be heard Critiques of organizations are a type of resistance created by offering alternative views of how organizations should behave or fit with society. Consider the parents television Council efforts to promote and restore responsibility and decency to the entertainment industry in answer to America's demand for positive, family-oriented television programming (Frequently, 2005). The PTC campaigns target the issues of broadcast decency, cable choice, advertiser accountability, and video game violence. The PTC campaigns target for an alternative where television and video game content is less violent, less sexual, and more strongly promotional of tradition family values. Clearly, the PTO hopes to change a number of organizations including producers of television shows and video games, distributors of television programs, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), and television advertisers. Not everyone will the PTC's agenda, but we all must respect their right to voice their concerns and articulate their view of reality