However, these hopes for political change proved to be illusory as there were no tangible indications that Prajadhipok would relinquish his supra-legal status and grant his subjects a constitution. During the following year, the lack of political reform in Siam was to become a growing preoccupation for the Paris-based student lawyer Pridi Phanomyong (who had been among the princes audience), and in February 1927 he convened a series of meetings with six other Thai students including the young military officers Phibun Songkhram, Thatsanai Mitraphakdi and Prayun Phamonmontri, to discuss the future of their country. The result of these deliberations was the formation of a clandestine association known as the Khana Ratsadon (People's Party) whose stated aim was to replace the absolute monarchy with a more representative political form