The WRCs of electricity based on natural gas, coal/lignite, fuel
oil, hydro, and solid biomass (E7a-f) are based directly on estimated
values of water consumption for electricity generation
from gas, coal, oil, and hydropower in supply lakes and from
biomass [10]. There is no data for the WRC of biogas (E7g), so we
used the estimated value for that of electricity generation from
residuum [10], since residuum is a raw material of biogas in
Thailand [4]. The only use of a photovoltaic (PV) system in
Thailand was by very small power producers [61]; we used the
average value of water consumed for operation and maintenance
of PV systems (0.006e0.021 m3 water/GJ) [9] as theWRC for solar
energy (E7h). The WRC of wind power generation (E7i) directly
uses the water consumed for wind generation [9]. The WRC of
geothermal generation (E7j) used the average water consumption
of geothermal generation systems dominated by vapor and water
[9], since there is little data for geothermal systems in Thailand.
Finally, Thailand imports electricity from Malaysia, whose grid
mix is based on natural gas and coal, which account for 51% and
36%, respectively, of the Malaysia’s total installed capacity in 2012
[62]. Thus we define the WRC of other electricity (E7k) as the
average of E7a and E7b.
The WRCs of electricity based on natural gas, coal/lignite, fueloil, hydro, and solid biomass (E7a-f) are based directly on estimatedvalues of water consumption for electricity generationfrom gas, coal, oil, and hydropower in supply lakes and frombiomass [10]. There is no data for the WRC of biogas (E7g), so weused the estimated value for that of electricity generation fromresiduum [10], since residuum is a raw material of biogas inThailand [4]. The only use of a photovoltaic (PV) system inThailand was by very small power producers [61]; we used theaverage value of water consumed for operation and maintenanceof PV systems (0.006e0.021 m3 water/GJ) [9] as theWRC for solarenergy (E7h). The WRC of wind power generation (E7i) directlyuses the water consumed for wind generation [9]. The WRC ofgeothermal generation (E7j) used the average water consumptionof geothermal generation systems dominated by vapor and water[9], since there is little data for geothermal systems in Thailand.Finally, Thailand imports electricity from Malaysia, whose gridmix is based on natural gas and coal, which account for 51% and36%, respectively, of the Malaysia’s total installed capacity in 2012[62]. Thus we define the WRC of other electricity (E7k) as theaverage of E7a and E7b.
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