Samples of pure cultures from 3-day-old CYA agar plates were added
to 1.5 ml tubes containing TE buffer [10 mM Tris/HCl (pH 8.0),
1 mM EDTA (pH 4.5)],, gently homogenized and then lysed by either
sonication or enzymic digestion. For physical disruption, tubes were
placed in a sonicator (ultrasonic bath LBS2; Falc Instruments) at 60
KHz for 3–5 min then heated at 100 uC for 5–10 min. Samples wereplaced in a sonicator (ultrasonic bath LBS2; Falc Instruments) at 60
KHz for 3–5 min then heated at 100 uC for 5–10 min. Samples were
centrifuged in a micro-centrifuge for 2 min at 14 000 r.p.m. at roomtemperature, and the supernatant extracts containing unpurified
fungal DNA were then stored at 220 uC forsubsequent PCR anal