Although each individual biopolymer solution is transparent
over the whole temperature range with no significant change in
turbidity during cooling, the turbidity of mixed solution begins to
increase at 40 ◦C (Fig. 1c). This increase is ascribed to the appearance
of structural inhomogeneity [6,10]. The temperature at which
the turbidity begins to increase is much higher than the onset
temperature of ordering for individual biopolymers detected by
cooling DSC (Fig. 1a) and by thermal scanning rheology (Fig. 1b),
indicating that the structural inhomogeneity is not induced by the
conformational transition from coil to helix. It was reported that
at low ionic strength, KC and gelatin showed associative phase
separation due to the electrostatic interaction [6,10,14,16]. From
the corresponding CLSM images, it can be seen that the coacervates
grow significantly below 40 ◦C (Fig. 1c), which coincides well
with the turbidity increase. It should be pointed out that the transition
at 40 ◦C upon cooling is completely thermo-reversible, and the
subsequent heating can restore the turbidity and microstructure
observed originally (data not shown).
Although each individual biopolymer solution is transparentover the whole temperature range with no significant change inturbidity during cooling, the turbidity of mixed solution begins toincrease at 40 ◦C (Fig. 1c). This increase is ascribed to the appearanceof structural inhomogeneity [6,10]. The temperature at whichthe turbidity begins to increase is much higher than the onsettemperature of ordering for individual biopolymers detected bycooling DSC (Fig. 1a) and by thermal scanning rheology (Fig. 1b),indicating that the structural inhomogeneity is not induced by theconformational transition from coil to helix. It was reported thatat low ionic strength, KC and gelatin showed associative phaseseparation due to the electrostatic interaction [6,10,14,16]. Fromthe corresponding CLSM images, it can be seen that the coacervatesgrow significantly below 40 ◦C (Fig. 1c), which coincides wellwith the turbidity increase. It should be pointed out that the transitionat 40 ◦C upon cooling is completely thermo-reversible, and thesubsequent heating can restore the turbidity and microstructureobserved originally (data not shown).
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