The study site is a 3.46 ha (309 m x 112 m) field located
at 10◦ 07 22.98 N and 105◦ 35 12.06 E.
The straw of rice variety OM4900 was left in the field four days after harvest using a combine
Seven replications with the same number of sample quadrats of 18 m2 each was randomly selected in the experimental
area to measure the cutting height (mm) of the rice straw stubbles
that remained in the field, and the yield (Mg ha−1) of rice straw.
The average result in each quadrat was calculated based on five
replicated measurements.
Rice straw moisture content (MC) was measured using the oven method (drying until only dry matter is left) based on the protocol of ASAE (1982).
The average height of the remaining stubble was 137 (±40.6) mm. Rice straw yield was 4.7
(±0.90)t ha−1 at an MC of 12.6 (±1.26)% in wet basis. The standard
deviations of these parameters were high due to the lodging of the
paddy before harvest. However, the field in this case was not used
for comparative analysis or optimization of machines; it was just
used to identify the profiles of EC, GHGE, and cost of mechanized
collection in the context of using off-field straw for further processing
to evaluate the techno-economic feasibility of this practice. The
field was divided into five plots with 0.7 ha each. These five plots
were completely randomized to examine the five corresponding
collection machines