It is a worldwide organization and creates the company anopportunity to sell its products more and more in different parts of the world.
The company has more than 5,000 trademark registrations andpending applications in approximately 180 countries worldwide.
The company's products are sold in approximately 60,000 retaillocations in more than 110 countries. This includes approximately1,800 retail stores dedicated to Levi brands, including bothfranchised and company-operated stores.
Levis trademark is one of the most recognisable in the world andregistered in more than 160 countries.
Levis brands mainly focused on teenagers and youth wants. Sincethe youths are more aware of fashion than other range of people itcreates an opportunity for the company to sell more.
Youths and teenagers like us don’t like to wear same clothes nowand then, time changes, our minds and tastes changes. Since Levisis always updated with the changes in lifestyles. It creates anopportunity for the company to get an idea on new fashion and thusmore products