Manufacturing intentional crack welding’s defect welding
to do research in mechanical properties and to train NDT
operator is a real challenge in practice. At present,
experiments in specimens of welding with cracking defect
are mainly conducted by: stressing two different tensile
strength electrodes and the “allocating” of the welding lines
(a process of welding in which a welding line was made on
one side of the welded bars, then another line was made on
the other side; this way of welding turn was adopted until the
bars were fully welded) mechanical processing, EDM
notching, adding bronze to create cracks… [4, 8]. In general
there are still some defects with the cracks created by the
just-mentioned-methods: some of them are the complexity of
the process, the unresponsiveness to the NDT technique as
realistic crack defects, and high cost