Now we can proceed to the fourth, more directly evidence-based step of evaluating the extent to
which various forms of government accomplish the goals of satisfying vital human needs. Here we
have a wealth of data to consult, such as the United Nations Human Development Index, which
calculates average values for 177 countries based on how well they succeed in providing their
citizens with a long and healthy life, education, and a decent standard of living. In 2008, the top ten
countries on the Human Development Index were Iceland, Norway, Canada, Australia, Ireland, the
Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
Now we can proceed to the fourth, more directly evidence-based step of evaluating the extent towhich various forms of government accomplish the goals of satisfying vital human needs. Here wehave a wealth of data to consult, such as the United Nations Human Development Index, whichcalculates average values for 177 countries based on how well they succeed in providing theircitizens with a long and healthy life, education, and a decent standard of living. In 2008, the top tencountries on the Human Development Index were Iceland, Norway, Canada, Australia, Ireland, theNetherlands, Sweden, Japan, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
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