SArt: Towards Innovation at the Intersection of Software Engineering and Art 7
• the influence of software and digital culture on art and/or the influence of art
on software development.
During the planning phase we have identified the following search strategies for
finding relevant articles, to aim at completeness of our literature review:
• keyword search in electronic databases - We have identified a starting list
of searchable electronic databases (e.g. IEEE Xplorer, ACM Digital Library,
Google Scholar) and an initial list of keywords (see Table 1). Searches with
each keyword (from the art related terms) and combination of keywords
should be performed in each of the electronic databases. In most of the cases
no limitation on the published year was applied. In those cases when the
search resulted to over 100 entries the search was limited to the last 10 years
of publication. Both initial lists (i.e. the search engines used and the keywords)
are being continuously extended with new entries that appeared relevant
during the literature review.