When you return, remember to tell your Father,” Yun Qinghong faced Duke Hui Ye’s back, and said softly, “For the sake of old times, I, Yun Qinghong, advise him to not throw away what he has today because of his greed and prejudice against women, and destroy himself! It’s not too late to stop now, the Little Demon Empress is much more powerful than what you imagined. As long as the Yun family is alive, we will forever be loyal to the Demon Emperor’s bloodline!”
Duke Hui Ye stopped his steps. His shoulders shook violently, as he turned around and said with a ferocious expression, “Yun Qinghong, this duke also has a word from my Father… It’s not too late for the Yun family to surrender! Don’t wait until… the family with ten thousand years of history is reduced to dust!”
Yun Qinghong crossed his arms in front of his chest, not mad at all, and instead smiled in contempt, “Are you done? Then get out of my sight.”
“You…” A mouthful of blood surged up from Duke Hui Ye’s chest, as he gnashed his teeth. His body trembled, and he flew away with haste.
At this moment, an angry voice yelled, “Helian Peng, where are you going! We haven’t set our debts straight yet!”
Helian Peng’s body stopped, turned around, and saw Unparalleled Under Heaven’s darkened face. He laughed coldly and said, “Unparalleled Under Heaven, since you already know, then I might as well be straight with you. The one our Twelve Guardian Families have been loyal for generations to, is Lord Demon Emperor! The Little Demon Empress is merely a woman, what gives her the right to make us obey her! But now, the Little Demon Empress’ rule is almost at its end, and I will tell you honestly. Within the Twelve Guardian Families, half of them are already leaning towards Duke Huai. I will give you a friendly word of advice…”
“Shut up!” Unparalleled Under Heaven said angrily, “You are hypocritical, deceitful, and two-faced, yet you still have the face to make such dignified remarks. Putting your disloyalty aside, your Helian Clan even tried to stab the daughter of our Patriarch in the back! You owe us an explanation for this!”
“Want an explanation?” Helian Peng laughed coldly, “At Demon Empress’ Grand Ceremony a month later, I will take you on anytime!”
“Want to run? If I don’t break your arm today, then I am not called Unparalleled Under Heaven!” Watching Helian Peng leave, Unparalleled Under Heaven roared angrily, and chased him like the wind. Number One Under Heaven looked toward Yun Che’s direction, hesitated, then quickly followed.
Once outside of Yun family’s territory, Duke Hui Ye wasn’t able to walk far before his body swayed, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.
“Your Highness, are you alright?” The Venerable Stone Dragon asked hurriedly.
“Yun… Qing… hong!” Duke Hui Ye slowly wiped the corner of his mouth, his eyes filled with the expression of hatred. Even though Yun Qinghong didn’t aim to hurt him, being pushed down by a mid stage Monarch, how could he endure that! Under Yun Qinghong’s gaze and aura, his intestines were almost ripped to shreds.
“Originally… today was the day we elect Xinyue as the Patriarch of the Yun family, so we could control the Yun family, and then use the Yun family to control the Mu family. This would clear two obstacles for Father… but we didn’t expect, didn’t expect…” Duke Hui Ye held his hands in fists, and suddenly widened his eyes, “It’s all that Yun Che’s fault! Two months ago, he disturbed my affairs, and today, it was because of him again! All because of him, we not only did not contain the Yun family and the Under Heaven family. Instead, we raised their alertness and hatred against us! If they tell everything to the Little Demon Empress, the Little Demon Empress might have even more defense and action…”
“Everything is screwed… if Father knew… all fault would definitely fall on this duke! Bastard… everything about this, is all that Yun Che’s fault!”
“When we return, investigate everything about that Yun Che… This duke wants his entire clan destroyed!”
“Xinyue… Xinyue… Xinyue… ah! Why… why!!”