“As long as you leave, that’s all that matters…. Just go!” he said, gnashing his teeth. “You little bastard! I don’t ever want to see you ever again in my life!” He gradually calmed his mood, then stopped thinking about Spirit Stones and magical items. If he did, he was worried that he might not be able to take it and then explode with fury.
However, even as Patriarch Reliance struggled to improve his mood, Meng Hao suddenly stopped flying. He looked down as he noticed a second city down below.
When he saw this second city, a smile appeared on his face.
Currently, it was the middle of the night, and yet, the city was still filled with bright lights and activity. Even at this hour, the shops weren’t closed. The whole city was bustling, making the entire city seem like a bright, dazzling pearl.
Patriarch Reliance: “……….”
He stared blankly, veins popping up on his forehead.
Then he saw Meng Hao shamelessly floating down toward the city, and he couldn’t take it any more. He finally exploded.
“Ridiculous!!! Shameless!!!” he bellowed, causing the entire palace to shake. He waved his right hand in front of him, causing countless streams of Divine Sense to shoot out. They sped toward the city and immediately entered the various shops.
Before Meng Hao could even get close, all of the shops in the entire city suddenly closed their doors and turned out the lights.
It was the middle of the night, so the previously brightly lit city was suddenly cast into darkness. Of course, everyone within the city noticed this and was instantly alarmed.
Up in mid-air, Meng Hao’s face twitched a bit.
“That damned old turtle,” he thought. “All I took was a few Spirit Stones and magical items. In total, it’s only worth a few tens of thousands of Spirit Stones!
“The old turtle is far too stingy. After all these years, he still hasn’t changed. I bet that right now, he’s in such pain that he wants to die.
“He wants me to leave, and is worried that I’ll plunder him even more, so he instantly caused all the shops to close. Shameless! Completely shameless!!” Meng Hao hovered indignantly up in the air, staring down at the city for a long moment. Then, he continued to fly.
Back in the palace, an unprecedentedly wide smile appeared on Patriarch Reliance’s face, as well as a look of intense pride as he reveled in his superior intellect. Patriarch Reliance currently felt incredibly refreshed.
“Little bastard! No matter how crafty you are, you can’t outsmart the Patriarch!
“As usual, the Patriarch is the most intelligent! How else could I come up with so many plans? Hahaha! Let’s see what you try to do now!” By now, he had long since forgotten that he was trying to hide. Nor did he consider that such overt actions might cause Meng Hao to be suspicious.
His complacency had reached the pinnacle, and the feeling of finally being able to vent his frustrations gave him a bit of hope. Hope to see Meng Hao finally leave!
“No matter where you go, I’ll just close all the shops! Let’s see what other reason you could possibly come up with to stay here!” Patriarch Reliance’s eyes sparkled as he glanced over at Guyiding Tri’rain.
“Well, what do you say? Is the Patriarch clever, or not?”
Guyiding Tri’rain blinked, then smiled. “The Patriarch is definitely brilliant.”
Patriarch Reliance seemed more pleased than ever, and his smile grew even wider.
As for Meng Hao, he frowned as he flew through the air. About an hour later, he suddenly stopped in place, then looked down toward a mountain down below.
As soon as he even glanced at it, a rumbling sound suddenly filled the air as the entire mountain collapsed right in front of his eyes.
Meng Hao stared in shock. This time, it was true and utter shock.
“Patriarch Reliance!” he thought, “Aren’t you being a bit too obvious, bitch? Can’t you pretend even a little bit? Dammit! What do you want me to do? Pretend that I don’t notice? Pretend that I do?” Meng Hao was conflicted about exactly what course of action to take.
If he pretended not to notice anything suspicious, that would be too obvious….
But if he pretended to notice something fishy, then it would also tip off Patriarch Reliance. In Meng Hao’s opinion, Patriarch Reliance was so unreliable, there was no way to know how he might flip out if that happened.
“If I scare him too much,” Meng Hao thought, “he might just take this whole place with him and run away at top speed. This time, I have to make sure he doesn’t flee.” Meng Hao really was unsure of what to do. Inwardly, he cursed the 10th Wang Clan Patriarch. How could a Dao Seeking Cultivator be so slow? Meng Hao had already let his aura begin to emanate out, and yet the old man still hadn’t come looking for him yet.
Meng Hao was consumed with the desire to beat the living daylights out of the old turtle. Currently, he just couldn’t think of how to deal with the unreliable Patriarch Reliance.
Even as he went back and forth in his mind, he continued to proceed forward. However, he quick