As expected, the open-ended responses provide a wider range of comments and suggestions of the interface, which confirms our expectations from RQ3. In the first study the most common type of comments was regarding the size and quality of the images. The participants wanted the photos to be larger and/or being able to zoom in on parts of the images. There was a variety of suggestions for what else the robot could store and report back to the user, timestamps, the internal states of the robot, specific problems encountered during the day as well as registering visitors to the property. One participant wanted the footage to be available remotely, so that family members could review it off-site, but one comment questioned whether or not the primary user might be able to trick the system so that it would seem that they performed certain tasks, and another.
As expected, the open-ended responses provide a wider range of comments and suggestions of the interface, which confirms our expectations from RQ3. In the first study the most common type of comments was regarding the size and quality of the images. The participants wanted the photos to be larger and/or being able to zoom in on parts of the images. There was a variety of suggestions for what else the robot could store and report back to the user, timestamps, the internal states of the robot, specific problems encountered during the day as well as registering visitors to the property. One participant wanted the footage to be available remotely, so that family members could review it off-site, but one comment questioned whether or not the primary user might be able to trick the system so that it would seem that they performed certain tasks, and another.
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