Indonesian Department of Public Health (2010) states that the quality of the hospital is influenced by a great number of
factors. The most dominant factor is human resources. Human resources directly involve in the provision of nursing care of
patients, doctors, nurses, midwives, and other supporting staff. Among these workers previously mentioned, nurses are
ranked highest number, 40 percent. [5]
Health services continue to face the demands for change. In relation to the quality of public services, hospital needs to
create changes. It means that alterations that are able to enhance awareness of the importance of organizational learning
and new ideas as a basis and encouragement towards the development of the organization.
Hasbullah (2008) states that organizational development is a program that is trying to improve organizational effectiveness
by integrating the individual's desire for growth and development with organizational goals. [6]
Zaidin (2001) states that one of the problems that often takes place in a hospital is the unbalance workload of nurses.
Hence, managers often find it difficult to determine the quality of the workload because it is more based on the subjective
complaints. [7] Hatchett (2007) explains that the nurse is a profession that specializes in the handling and care of patients.
The nurse duty is giving nursing care and health education to patients both in sickness and healthy with the aim to improve
the optimum welfare. [8]
This study analyzes five applications of the principles of a learning organization implemented in Cardiac Center Hospital,
Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Makassar. This study is in line with the theory of Senge (1996), namely system thinking,
personal mastery, shared vision, mental models, team learning. [9]
Dale (2003) states that the development of the organization is one of the complex educational strategies. Furthermore,
the ways that are planned to increase the effectiveness and organizational health through planned intervention by a
consultant using the theory and techniques of the adaptively behavioral science. [10]
Therefore, through the learning organization and organizational transformation that have been applied, it is expected to
be able to improve the quality of service in the Cardiac Centre Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital Makassar.