Based on data from the AUDIPOG sentinel network between 1994 and 2010, we can say that the rate of
singleton breech presentation at term is 3% and remains unchanged despite an external cephalic version
rate of 35%. The total cesarean section rate is currently 75%. This rate increased by nearly 20% after the
Hannah publication in 2000, regardless of the type of breech and type of maternity unit. The rate of
planned cesarean sections increased in particular, going from 40% to 60%, and even reaching 67% for
footling breech presentations. The rate is higher in type I maternity units than in type II or III. This
cesarean section rate has been stable since 2005 and has even decreased for the Frank breech. The
average rate of external cephalic version remains stable at around 23%. The episiotomy rate is 28%. The
rate of babies transferred to neonatology units is higher for breech babies at term than for babies
presenting cephalically (3.9% compared to 2.9%), but the newborns most often transferred are those born
by cesarean section (4.1% compared to 3.4%).