hello language enables us
to express our thoughts ideas and
feelings to others
and also to understand this linguistics
is the scientific study of language
of this rich and varied human ability
it seeks to answer among others a number
of fundamental questions
for example what is the exact
nature alt language another question
what are the central branches of
and furthermore how do linguists
collect data in order to support their
this election his introductory on the
one hand
but also wants to provide additional
information for students with some
linguistic background
let us start within overview of the time
language here is a relatively
old definition all the time language
languages the institution
whereby humans communicate and interact
with each other
by means of habitually used orel
auditory arbitrary symbols this
contains a number of keywords allowing
us to approach the topic
in it be tactically suitable way so
let's do that
let's look at these keywords: more
closely here is keyword
number one languages confined
to humans well animals
certainly communicate with one another
all animal communication systems lack
the ability
to communicate about something beyond
the here
and now and they do not allow
noble messages to be produced or
here is an excuse word
or should I say keywords communication
and interaction
well certainly animals communicate and
yet the communication systems humans use
are certainly more complex then does
on animals keyword number three
language is habitually used well people
use language every day
usual usually with little
cognitive effort words and sentences
you know ok I'm on right a words and
phrases like these
usually flow out of the mouth in a
almost automatic way or do you normally
think about
all these phrases or word similar to
before to ring them I'll probably not
keyword number four
language is used orel all the tourney
well the all only true channel that is
via the mouth and the here is the most
important mold of human communication
it is referred to as speech
and finally language makes use