Hello, My name is Mrs.Kanokwan Saenaubon tents me so many things that came into my mind, I think I need to decide it. I think all the things that come are like teachers who taught me to persevere and transcend it. Since my childhood dream of working in anything that makes me comfortable, painless, and I have many dreams that I want to do now that I never think about the people around you. I think of my own future, but when I was growing up, those thoughts did not come true because of the fact that we choose an occupation, then we need to look wider than its surroundings. I think parents should think of themselves, which I do not think I would have worked great for a lot of money, but I want to work on anything that could have made my family and I do not want a career best. Do not want luxury homes I want to see my parents proud of me,
so I wanted to high school to have a job and have enough money to feed my family. I want to see my parents happy and comfortable. No money would be difficult to relax thanks.