When we increase the source-separation efficiencies and intro¬duce sorting of food waste we can see that the results are robust for the resource depletion and human toxicity via soil impact cat¬egories. In these impact categories the prioritisation of measures is the same for all cities involved, with increased metal source-sepa-ration as the most important measure. For global warming, acidifi-cation and ecotoxicity in water, the ranking between measures can be altered based on waste composition. For global warming all sce¬narios increasing the source-separation of paper, plastic and met¬als increase the avoided impact compared to business-as-usual. It is the ranking between the fractions that depends on the waste composition. Ecotoxicity in water is the only impact category where introducing all measures has a negative effect on the total impact for all cities. The reason for this reduction in savings from the systems is the increased source-separation of plastic waste which reduces replaced energy from the incinerator.