What do men and women talk about?
Words, phrases, and topics most highly distinguishing English-speaking females and males in social media in 2013
Top is most common words and topics females say, bottom is what males say.
To me, gender stereotypes is like a loaded die. Sure, both are the same die so they can both roll the same values. However, one die is loaded so that it tends to roll on certain outcome more frequently. If I have to bet on the outcome I would probably depend on the stereotypes to guess how it's more likely to roll, but I'm well aware that any outcome is still possible for any given die.
Looking at this infographics I would probably guess that this person I met on call of duty: modern warfare online probably is a male. And if somehow I observed an extraordinary roll beyond the stereotypes expectation? I would just be amazed and fascinated that I find one of the rare cast of the die.
Gender stereotype is not a crime. However, you should never fully judged someone until you see what they're capable of.