Box 6: Europe – Munich
Within the European Union, there is an ambitious regulatory framework for protection of the
aquatic environment. In the European Communities Commission Directive (91/271/EEC), it is
stipulated that “treated wastewater shall be reused whenever appropriate”, and that “disposal
routes shall minimize the adverse effects on the environment” (European Economic Community,
1991). Still, in the 21st century, a majority of EU cities lack adequate wastewater treatment systems.
The City of Brussels where environmental legislation is made for the EU countries launched
only recently the construction of its first wastewater treatment plant.
In humid north European countries, ecological engineered wastewater technologies are introduced,
e.g. constructed wetlands serve as polishing steps for nitrogen reduction in order to prevent
eutrophication of recipient waters. The most extensive and sophisticated recycling system of
wastewater was constructed in Munich, Germany. The system involved active participation by the