The sample of 111 educators consisted of 73 educational leaders and 38 teachers
from two suburban school districts, one located in Texas and the other in
Michigan. While the Texas district is considerably larger (39,000 students)
than the one in Michigan (2,521 students), both are located immediately outside
of large urban centers and are experiencing demographic changes in the
community and schools. The Texas district has experienced rapid growth in
the last 10 years and is shifting from serving a predominantly White student
body to one that is more ethnically and economically diverse. Presently,
approximately 58% of the student population is White, 23% Hispanic, 10%
African American, and 10% other ethnic backgrounds that were not specifically
identified. Once predominantly White, the Michigan district is undergoing
a similar transition with a current population of approximately 72% White
students, 18% African American, 2% each of Asian and Hispanic Americans,
1% American Indian, and 5% multiracial. In contrast, approximately 90% of
the teaching staff and administration in both districts is White.
The sample of 111 educators consisted of 73 educational leaders and 38 teachersfrom two suburban school districts, one located in Texas and the other inMichigan. While the Texas district is considerably larger (39,000 students)than the one in Michigan (2,521 students), both are located immediately outsideof large urban centers and are experiencing demographic changes in thecommunity and schools. The Texas district has experienced rapid growth inthe last 10 years and is shifting from serving a predominantly White studentbody to one that is more ethnically and economically diverse. Presently,approximately 58% of the student population is White, 23% Hispanic, 10%African American, and 10% other ethnic backgrounds that were not specificallyidentified. Once predominantly White, the Michigan district is undergoinga similar transition with a current population of approximately 72% Whitestudents, 18% African American, 2% each of Asian and Hispanic Americans,1% American Indian, and 5% multiracial. In contrast, approximately 90% ofthe teaching staff and administration in both districts is White.
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