Let meet up together coming Thursday 28th @14.30pm-16.00pm time.
Based on your sample provided few weeks in which we are using “QM-4 serial” which is not yet make final conclusion
whether “Filament come from rubber sheet or not”.
What I want you to help is to consult to your counterpart in Japan whether Is there any possibility of “Filament contaminant by Rubber sheet”?.
Do you have “research or eng’r experiment ” to prove that this kind of Rubber sheet is “free from filament?.
Did you know how many percentage of “weight loss” between “before Mold and after Mold” used rubber sheet material?.
Does this rubber sheet “conductive type” or “non-conductive type”?.
Can you please let me know what is suitable rubber sheet part no. using for “Bancera coating ”?.
Can you please let me know what is suitable rubber sheet part no. using for “HCR coating”?.
Can you provide TDS (Technical data sheet) for these particular rubber sheet part no?.
1. N-CS-7000W.
2. N-CS-7200.
3. QM-4.
4. N-CS-7200WR.
5. N-CS-7200WS.
Here is QM-4 serial proceed with EDX analysis , before vs. after Mold, Carbon content is majority “element” was found and Oxygen come second.
Do you have similar or same of given data / EDX analysis?.