The title should not be long and complicated and should reflect what the research is about. Quantitative titles
are usually straightforward whereas qualitative research titles may be expressed in metaphor or be more
artistic (Borbasi and Jackson 2012).
The author’s brief biographies may be important sources of information about academic degrees, certification,
position and place of employment, from which clinical and research expertise can sometimes be discerned
(Nieswiadomy, 2012).
Research papers can be significantly delayed before publication. It is important to determine whether the
paper has been developed from a recent piece of work in order to assess its relevance to inform current
practice (Polit and Hungler 2013).
Members of the editorial panel or board may represent a combination of academic research and practice
and may have either national or international representation. A peer-reviewed, or refereed, journal is one
where manuscripts are evaluated by subject experts chosen by the journal’s editorial staff (Nieswiadomy