1. Set your team meetings, time, place, length of meeting.
2. Team leader, leads the discussion by reading the problem scenario out loud, while students read along. This ensures everyone understands the problem and task at hand.
3. Team writer, records all comments on the form “What do we know?”
4. Team members, brainstorm, and express their comments to the problem scenario.
5. Next, everyone decides on their learning issue for research and reporting back to the group.
6. Team members research the learning issue, make photo copies for your teammates; report on your findings. (www search)
7. Team leader, calls for SECOND TEAM Meeting, team members report on their research issues.
8. Team writer, records all comments. Write key points on Group Learning Goals form.
9. With the goals completed, teams formulate a plan on how to solve the problem scenario.
10. Team members make the necessary items required to solve the problem.