Please kindly inform to customer we will need for information as below:
1. Used for ………………………………….
2. Volume …………………………………..
3. Type*(เป็นวัตถุอันตราย ชนิดที่1-4)………………………..Class **(1-13)……………………………….
*,** Not specified in MSDS I can’t confirm for stage.
4. Import or Local, for Import please send copy of สอ. 4 (Chemical& hazardous substance import license) to BCS
5. Requisition for conferring with DIW, if not please apply and send copy to BCS.
However, In following for take in BCS please request document reference i.e. MSDS, conferring with DIW, Chemical& hazardous substance import license(สอ.4), possession obtain permit (สอ.8) etc.