Although an organization may various sections or units each whit specialized tasks and different goals it must still work as a whole if it is to achieve organizational excellence In most organizations a fair amount of intergroup or interdepartmental conflict is present Each group degins to build negative stereotypes of the other groups which can easily escalate into subtle or not-so-subtle power struggles resulting in win-lose situations Improving intergroup relations involves the following steps: (1)before the sessions each person involved prepares a written description of the actual working relationship as contrasted with the ideal relationship;(2) each group isolates itself for several days to summarize perceptions of the actual and ideal relationships;(3) the two groups meet and using a spokesperson limit their interaction to comparing their perceptions;and (4) the two groups then work on making the relation ship more productive This action phase is completed when both groups have a clear understanding of the specific actions each group will take and how the actions will be followed up.