The last factor identified for PM2.5 was rich in Na and Cl, the main elements in sea salt. However, presence of Ca but not Mg, and absence of S indicates that this source is not a marine aerosol, and was named Industry Mix 2. The highest contribution from that source was at the Site 3 which is furthest from the seashore. This was a weak source explaining 2.8% of total variance, with contribution to mass of 0.3 μ g m–3 (or 0.4%), which was also, spatially, highly variable. Our analysis of wind directions indicate this source contributed to Site 3 exclusively under west and south– west winds, yet during the same time period the contribution to Site 4 was null. We concluded that were some other sources located in between Sites 4 and 3, and these include fine particulates from polishing (Na and Ca), open air plastic burning (Cl), that all contributed to the significant enrichment of these elements. Further investigation of this source is possible only under favorable wind conditions.
The last factor identified for PM2.5 was rich in Na and Cl, the main elements in sea salt. However, presence of Ca but not Mg, and absence of S indicates that this source is not a marine aerosol, and was named Industry Mix 2. The highest contribution from that source was at the Site 3 which is furthest from the seashore. This was a weak source explaining 2.8% of total variance, with contribution to mass of 0.3 μ g m–3 (or 0.4%), which was also, spatially, highly variable. Our analysis of wind directions indicate this source contributed to Site 3 exclusively under west and south– west winds, yet during the same time period the contribution to Site 4 was null. We concluded that were some other sources located in between Sites 4 and 3, and these include fine particulates from polishing (Na and Ca), open air plastic burning (Cl), that all contributed to the significant enrichment of these elements. Further investigation of this source is possible only under favorable wind conditions.
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