When it comes to cancer prevention, choices are not only limited to chemotherapy,
radiation therapy, operation and so forth. According to Dr Somboon Kietinun, the use
of herbs has become one of the most effective modes of alternative care for the
malignant disease.
No matter what type of cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer and so
on, most cases have been attended far too late, resulting in the disease becoming
untreatable. Worse, many of the cancer patients who are under medical care develop
complications and unwanted side effects from conventional medicines while the cost of
treatments is in many cases unaffordable.
As a result, Dr Somboon recommended herbs to be used as a preventative approach
against cancer. Many types of herbs are proven to contain anti-cancer and antioxidant
agents. Herbs are apparently cheaper and less toxic than chemicals. Herbs can be grown
in back gardens and involve no huge financial demand and, more importantly, no
chemical-related processing before use.