General Directions
This is a test of how well you achieve the learning objectives. Do not read or work on any part of the test until the supervisor tells you to do so.
There are four section to the test. Each section has different kinds of question, and there are special directions for each kinds of question. Be sure you understand the directions before you start to answer the questions.
All of the question in the first section of the tests are in the question papers and listen to the tape recorder, which lasts approximately 60 minutes. The supervisor will tell you then to stop work on the first section and when to start work on the second section. You will have 60 minutes to answer question in the second section. Then, in the third section, there are two parts. The first part you will have 30 minutes to answer the question and you will take the second part be recording your oral report approximately 30 minutes. The last section, you will have 30 minutes to answers question in the first part and you will take second part in 30 minutes. If you finish each section before the supervisor tells you stop, you may check your answer for that section only.
You will find that some of questions are harder than others, but you should try to answer every one. Work quickly but carefully. Do not spend too much time on any one question. If you not sure of the correct answer to a question, make the best guess that you can and then go to the next question.
You must mark all of your answer on the answer sheet. Do not mark your answer in this test book. For each question in your test book, mark the oval on the answer sheet that matcher the answer you choose.