As soon as I have it, I will show you. I'm still waiting for my boss to provide final approval. As soon as that happens, I will get tickets the very next day. I want her to see my tickets as well so she won't try to change my dates. I want to see you so bad.
[9/7/2015 22:47:15] Jerry Bennett: Nothing is more important than this visit to me.
[9/7/2015 22:48:01] Jerry Bennett: If team of holding you
[9/7/2015 22:48:36] Jerry Bennett: As soon as this audit is over, I'm going to see her about the vacation
[9/7/2015 22:49:04] Jerry Bennett: I may have it worked out by the end of the week.
[9/7/2015 22:49:30] Jerry Bennett: That is my plan
[9/7/2015 22:50:25] Jerry Bennett: My love, it's getting so close.
[9/7/2015 22:50:42] Jerry Bennett: My dreams are becoming reality