saturday afternoon update:While the main groups of protesters have remainde peaceful during their marches and rallies,the bangkok post is reporting at least two incidents of mob behaviour.
on saturday a policeman suffered a minor injury in a clash with protesters from the network of students and people for reform of thailand in front of the UN building or ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue on nov 7
The student-led demonstrators used flagpoles to chase anti-riot officers near the Nang Loeng race track as police tried to block their march to Government House .But the protest leaders quickly intervened to calm the angry demonstrators.
A more serious incident occurred on Friday night when about 20 men allegedly attacked a policeman behind the Democrat Party's protest rally stage on Ratchadamnoen Avenue.
He was taken to Police Hospital. The attackers were alleged to rally guards.
Where are the mobs-like behavior happened
The crowds here in Bangkok have been peaceful,so they are not mobs They could becom mobs if they start to get out of control and become violent For now, however,let's call them poltical demonstrations rallies,gatherings groups or just crowds.
what is the news report called for this protestion in conclusion
what is the meaning of protest according to the news
How many timesis stated in the news report of mob violent
at least 2 incident
2 times at ratchadammnoen road and Government center
many times on ratchdamnoen Rd
2 times at front of the UN building and the netwotk of students
what is the meaning of "mob-like vehavior" in the English sense
mob-like vehavior