Jim Now I accept the idea of you, I will let you go, you have a life as have happy more than me, I wish God bless you , you have a Happy New Year. I wish you to find a good woman . I wish let her love you very much, I love you and I hope good for you always after this day I knew you wouldn't want to talk to me then . This is the last time I can do everything for you, I wish give lucky . you are my husband who I loves very much. you are my husband in my mind was a man who was a man that I love with all my heart .I want to live together for life.
But I am a woman with a sin ye so much because God not forgive me, and I found the pain all my life; and now, I found the man I love, and then, but we are not able to be together for life. Now, there is only one man that I love is granfather . He was in love with me, but he was going to die and he fled from my life and now I do not have anybody, and I love that I don't have to be discouraged in the struggle to live, and then