Lauren Salisbury, 2015 giving opinions that in the end of the day, how your experience of studying abroad turns out is up to no one but you. You alone control your destiny abroad. Studying abroad is your time and no one else's, so it is up to you to decide what will make the experience most meaningful to you, step outside your comfort zone and live your adventure to its fullest potential! (Lauren Salisbury, 2015) “It will change your life. You’ll come back a new person.” For years, the benefits of study abroad have been described in these words. Everyone in the study abroad field believed it could greatly impact a student’s life.
The first large-scale survey to explore the long-term impact of study abroad on a student’s personal, professional, and academic life shows that study abroad positively and unequivocally influences the career path, world-view, and self-confidence of students.(Mary M, Dwyer, Courtney K, Peters, 2002.)