The White Lady who is said to haunt Durand-Eastman Park in Rochester, New York, is believed to be the spirit of a mother whose daughter was kidnapped and raped. There are also other variations of the story, including one more intricate story, which depicts the mother as overly protective of her daughter, who rarely goes out. When a man asks to take her daughter out, the mother is at first hesitant, but on the daughter's insistence, reluctantly agrees. When the daughter fails to return that night, the mother is informed the next morning that the body of her daughter has been found on the shore of the lake. From her remains, it is clear that the daughter has been brutally raped and strangled. The mysterious man is never seen or heard from again. Another variation of the story depicts the daughter simply vanishing, and the mother searching for her with two large German Shepherd dogs. Eventually the mother throws herself into Lake Ontario, and drowns. It is thought that the ghost of the white lady and her two dogs still wander the area looking for her daughter's murderer. The White Lady is said to protect women in the park from men who mean to harm them, and to attack men in the hope that she will find her daughter's killer.