Our study has produced findings that, for the most part, show no
statistically significant difference between schooling outcomes of children
whose biological parents were together in the Philippines and those with
parents working internationally. Where differences occur, they are sometimes
positive (mother only abroad). Only when both parents are abroad
are any negative effects of migration observed. We believe this is important
information. It does not appear that children with a mother or
father overseas disproportionately drop out of school, either to help the
family financially or to provide domestic labor on the home front. Similarly,
they do not seem disproportionately to find that a college education
is out of reach for them. Sons with both parents abroad do tend
to complete fewer years of total schooling compared with those whose
parents are present in the household; this is a cause for concern and
should be examined in future research. Also, in future research on this
topic, we recommend that surveys with larger samples be undertaken so
that child outcomes in families separated by international migration may
be compared with those separated by marital dissolution and even internal
Our study has produced findings that, for the most part, show nostatistically significant difference between schooling outcomes of childrenwhose biological parents were together in the Philippines and those withparents working internationally. Where differences occur, they are sometimespositive (mother only abroad). Only when both parents are abroadare any negative effects of migration observed. We believe this is importantinformation. It does not appear that children with a mother orfather overseas disproportionately drop out of school, either to help thefamily financially or to provide domestic labor on the home front. Similarly,they do not seem disproportionately to find that a college educationis out of reach for them. Sons with both parents abroad do tendto complete fewer years of total schooling compared with those whoseparents are present in the household; this is a cause for concern andshould be examined in future research. Also, in future research on thistopic, we recommend that surveys with larger samples be undertaken sothat child outcomes in families separated by international migration maybe compared with those separated by marital dissolution and even internalmigration.
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