The acid hydrolysis performed was able to release xylose, glu-cose and arabinose (Table 1) from the hemicellulose and thecellulose present in the CAB, making these carbohydrates availablefor microbial assimilation and xylitol production. The total concen-tration of fermentable sugars obtained by acid hydrolysis, includingglucose, xylose and arabinose, was approximately 43 g L−1. Thus,CABH is a favorable medium for microbial routes due to these car-bon sources present. Comparing with literature data [18,26], it wasnoted that the acid hydrolysis was performed to obtain an effi-cient treatment of the sugars of interest. Dilute-acid hydrolysis isprobably the most commonly applied method among the chemicalpretreatment methods used. The main objective of the acid hydrol-ysis pretreatment stage is to solubilize the hemicellulosic fractionof the biomass, which can release high amounts of sugars, as xyloseand arabinose