Q: Which of the following is an indicator that you may have been hacked?
Your browser allows you to go to sites such as Facebook and Twitter without logging in to them.
Your friends or coworkers tell you they are receiving odd messages from you that you did not send.
Your passwords have not been changed in over 90 days.
Q: Which of the following should you do if you believe you have been compromised?
Attempt to fix the problem yourself as quickly as possible
Notify the help desk or security team as quickly as possible
Hold off and wait to confirm if you have been truly hacked
Q: Which of the following is most likely an indicator that you may have been hacked?
You accidentally installed software you did not mean to and now your computer is acting oddly.
Your system is reporting that it is fully patched and running the latest version of its software.
Your antivirus software is running and it has conducted a scan of the entire hard drive.ation