Analysis of the quantity of minerals found in rice of calcium is yodbao rice (9.964 mg/100g) with calcium is low:rice marum (4.431 mg/100g) rice varieties that are high in phosphorus, which is rice loysaybaw (21.200 mg/100g) with low phosphorus was the rice yodbao (14.478 mg/100g) rice varieties that are high in iron which is rice hommali 105 (11.219 mg/100g) with is low loysaybaw rice (3.073 mg/100g) rice cultivars with high luangtahaeng rice (2.023 mg/100g) with a low copper that is rice hommali 105 (0.283 mg/100g) and rice varieties that are high in zinc, which is niawdam rice.(2.149 mg/100g) with lowest zinc is rice homnual (1.273 mg/100g), which is information that is derived from this research is considered to be the basis for selecting rice consumption and processing products, as well as the promotion of indigenous rice planting.