Limitations and future research
This study has some limitations in data collection. Further study requires more diverse
sample population, including older generation and high income group as well as various areas for
data collection. In addition, the implication from this study may be only applicable to Korean
market since the data collection was limited to Korean. Lee & Hyman (2008) indicated that
Koreans tend to consider symbolic value in their purchase when they plan to buy experiential
products or services. Thus, a replicable study with other ethnic groups would provide different
information in regards to how customer processes image congruity and responds their
consumption experience at a brand coffee shop. In American or European culture which brand
coffee or espresso is oriented, the study may provide different contributions theoretically and
imperially. Third, the self-image measures were not able to identify what kind of self-congruity
customers consider more valuable. Since this study revealed that self-congruity exerts the most
favorable influence on customer attitude, investigating the relationships between different types
of self-congruity and customer behavior may provide marketers and researchers with better
insights for market segmentation.