2.4. Firmness
Firmness of intact fruit was assessed using a texture analyzer. Samples were sub-jected to a penetration test using a 2 mm diameter round stainless steel probe, at a speed of 1 mm/s. Maximum force (N) required to penetrate the sample was recorded. Three from red seaweed and is a complex mixture of several polysac-charides. Carrageenan films are formed by gelation during moderate drying. After solvent evaporation, a three-dimensional network is formed by polysaccharides double helices which eventually lead to a solid film. Carrageenan-based coatings carry-ing antimicrobial or antioxidant compounds have been applied to a variety of foods to reduce moisture loss, oxidation or tissue dis-integration.
It is important to derive coating formulations that are not only capable of providing the desirable effects mentioned above, but also able to maintain the quality of fresh papaya. This can be achieved by optimizing the edible coating components. This is a crucial step,measurements were taken from each fruit, at the stem end, mid region and blossom end, and the results were averaged.