World Health Organization (WHO)
After the Africa workshop, the WHO considered the following:
● EHTP: Encourage audits and integrate audit technology
● Consider strategies for how countries are monitored against resolutions:
By individuals
By WHO representatives at the WHO regional planning meetings
● Facilitate distribution of workshop participant feedback and country situation analysis
6 to 9 months after the workshop
Survey Questions
A survey was distributed at the end of the fourth day of the Africa workshop and collected
at the end of the workshop the next day, with the assumption that all participants knew
enough English to understand and respond to the questions.
The following eleven questions were asked:
1. What were the best three parts of the workshop program?
2. What three parts of the workshop program were the least useful to you?
3. Rate the presentations in general by checking one of the following: 1 = poor to 5 = excellent
4. Check how useful the workshop presentations will be to your job: not useful/useful/
very useful
5. How will you use this information when you return to your job?
6. Rate the usefulness of the handout materials: poor/fair/good/very good/excellent