Country Indonesia
This story occurred at the small village of Lamalera coast one row in Indonesia
.A place where local people long whale hunt off hundreds years ago and still use traditional ways. they use just. Paddle boat
Wood length only the ropes, knives and pointed ends because the area in the village of stone slopes. Agriculture cannot be annulled.
smearing a fishing career that people in the village are for parents, which I thought was a whale hunt.
Indonesia's population is composed of many nationalities and tribes, each tribe, พันธ์ุ พันธ์ุต่าง, cultural heritage and social characteristics of their powerful inheritance. Due to the nature of the country's geographical location, Indonesia. Have a look
?Separately, there are plenty of Islands and vast territory the population difficult. TA, each region has its own cultural pattern
appear assimilated culture and language features that use different phitphaek
. Dividing people according to the assimilated and the area can be divided into three major groups, the first group is the group
-people living in Java and Bali. The people who are. This belt will adhere to the guidelines on religion
.Hindu and Buddhist culture Stressing the value of psychological and social development, causing many martial arts, especially Ballet and
duriyangoksin in the life and actions of the day, the population behaves ethically
.With respect to the person in accordance with the party's role as the second group-group of powerful people who live along the banks of the island's sea area. — David Hill lives with literature
The cultural life is trading according to the principles of Islam strictly and businessmen of Indonesia society. New era
recognized as a religious and legal knowledge
. -The third group is the group that has a lot to live backwards along the mountain range area. He was in the depths of the country. David Hill lives
with hunting and planting. Indonesia's Government has to adjust the lifestyle of this.
.Country Indonesia There is a tradition in society actually damai means check based on faith in the religion, which must be strictly complied with.
And inherit each other for a long time. The censor can khan's engagement between husbands and wives. Parents with children and citizens:
Their society is based on operating principles known as the Indonesia language as "kotong luminous rose" is to aid dependency
.In tasks such as planting and harvest. Marriage. Creation of residential homes. Joint land use under special agreements and even
. Cultural traditions of the people of Indonesia vary according to the way of life of the population, actions in each local area such as WA
(Wayang Kulit) little to Ku
. Shadow puppet show is a unique man of Indonesia and is considered to be a beautiful performing arts
and wichitrokwa. Another type of show because it includes many kinds of art together by using the original puppet with
.Popular leather band Folk instrumental while showing the minor
Baba (Dance Barong)
original native character of the island of Bali. Mask and puppet Angel was used as the music is played by the character
.Supporting live show is the story of the battle of Badajoz, Vice. People half-lion, which represents a good ฝ่ย rang da
sorcerers agents unjust. By Dhamma would be victorious in the end
batik (Batik), or Javanese tie-dye fabric
. A native of Indonesia that has annulled method using wax off the unwanted parts to paint and use the dye or points
required to color. Batik is a popular young costume using
.Turban head cover man, woman, or a man and pants over the group that put on by thousands around which best
called "Javanese tie-dye" is best to wear a hip, colorful patterns are different from other sections in the fabric
.The same walls.
Hot women set National Convention wearing a t-shirt "Ka BA ya" Coat a long Cape, chest surgery to close a lace embroidered floral Jig hips
.The group is "indigenous fabrics rayek Javanese tie-dye Batik", or "" with long light cloth and wear high-heeled sandals, or a universal man
wear similar hats off neck shirts, hats, the clutch to wear pants or a color with the dalai group, Cap
.Wear slippers or shoes sneaker heels If you attend the ceremony can stick with a dagger, khan will be how the dress will vary according to each island